Component Mode

Component Mode is primarily for core developers using Dualite to convert individual design Frames and Figma components into reusable code components to maintain consistency and high performance.

How to use Component Mode

Similar to Page Mode, you can switch to Component Mode by clicking on the Toggle

When to use Component Mode

  • Reusable code components like testimonial cards

  • Reusable micro-animations

  • Custom interactive carousels and animations

Additional customisations

Component Mode has additional developer-focused settings that can be accessed on clicking the Advanced Settings button

You can define the width of the generated component that is required in the code and we'll automatically resize the design to fit in the requirements. This is primarily done to resolve the issue of de designers designing on a different scale than what the developer requires in the final code output.

Code Output

Component mode aims at creating reusable React components, and is intended to be a decoupled unit, with dependency on it's own default values (images & text present in design). Moreover, since these are dynamic units of design, we import them as a property in the component for easy reusability.

For getting more information around component mode and how to effectively use it. Refer to this guide here.

Last updated